Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Peer Assessed Starter Task

1.       Diestetic sound is sound that can be used to suit the setting of the scene, for example seagulls at the beach (ambient) dialogue and sound effects; this originates from the natural environment (diegesis). This can be seen during  all the production stages of recording

2.       Non-diegetic sound is a sound that does not relate to the natural environment of where the scene is set, for example hearing a wolf howl in a car park, this is also seen during the post-production stages of producing a film. Only the audience can hear non-diegetic sound. Examples of this type of sound are: voiceovers, incidental music and soundtracks.

3.       The difference between Denotation and Connotation is that to Denote something you’re describing what you see and when it comes to Connotation you’re describing how that makes you feel or what it symbolises.

4.       ‘The male Gaze’ was suggested by Laura Mulvey in 1975. It suggests in terms of films that males look at females in a different way to males, this it because males usually see females as less than human in films. She said they are represented as sex objects. E.g. Fantastic Four.

Assessor: Kayna Baugh

Student: Keenen Smith
Life on Mars Task
  • Music
  • Child whispering
  • running through trees
  • ambulance
  • Fire engine
  • beeping
  • difibrulators
  • Heart Monitor
  • Sun crackling

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